Tuesday 27 December 2011

We are the Universe

I did a meditation earlier and I was shown during it that We humans are the missing link and the only ones who can help save the Alien Races that's why we are so precious to them.
Because of the splicing in the beginning when we were created we are the only living creature that can help save dying Alien races.
We have the DNA/Genes from our creator and that's what they need to save their own.
We are the Universe, We are the Light, We are the Darkness, We are the Beginning and We are the End. If we Die they Die and they will never let that happen. 
We are the link to it all ,we are that important and we don't even realise it. If we die the whole universe dies.
We have a Spark in us that they do not have and they need it, they have tried to recreate that Spark but they can't so they need us to live. That's why they take us, to take a bit of that spark they need it to save themselves, they can't recreate it because it's everything it's Divine it's the Beginning it's the End it's everything all at once and that doesn't exist anywhere in the universe it only exists within US.
We have the Stars in our Eyes and the Universe inside of us.
We are the link to everything from the very beginning !!!!!!

Love and Healing to you all.


Wednesday 14 December 2011


Last night I had another vision as I was trying to get to sleep.
I saw lots of images altogether not on top of each other this time but next to each other I saw the Tree of Life, a Whales Tail coming out of the water, Planets one of which was Saturn, loads of sacred Geometry patterns, there was also an image of a sacred place where one person stood praying, there was many more images but I couldn't see what they were.
Some I did see but can't remember them, If I remember anymore I will add them. When I am shown these images I am always shown Hindu Gods I have no idea why. I do have a feeling what they showed me seems like a lot of stuff coming together like a big event is about to happen I know that they show me these things for a reason but I don't know what they are trying to tell me. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

Love & Healing to you all.


Tuesday 4 October 2011

Having problems meditating ? If so read this.

Just did a mediation and asked for help in getting to where I used to go now what I used to do is go up very high and I was there, I was told I then had to go down to get to the place. What's actually happened I was told is that what was once above is now below and the route there was now different !!
So you have to go up high then go down low and you'll get there.
I was told that help was on it's way to us and that "They" have their army but we also have an army and our army was Nature. I saw a scene when I was told this and I saw something that looked like it should be in a movie I saw someone riding a Gold Chariot and behind and to the side of the chariot was dust and rubble the ground was rumbling and the sand/dust was in the air. It's very hard to describe it also looked like it was in the desert. The chariot was making an earthquake happen.
I was also told that the water would bypass me, like I was not really be there when it comes.
Anyway that's what I got I'm just so pleased to be able to fly and go deep in meditation again as I've missed it so much, who knew it was because the route had been changed. So if any of you are having problems going deep in meditation try what I said above.

Love, Light & healing to you all.


Friday 26 August 2011

Light Workers & Starseeds you need to read this.

The 18th of August 2011 was the beginning of the 5th night of the 9th wave of the Mayan calendar : Destruction.
You may already be aware of this and are feeling the negative effects of this energy. You maybe experiencing Headaches, Vertigo, Earache, Dizziness, Head Pressure, Difficulty going into a deep meditation, feeling Nauseous, feeling Aggressive/Argumentative.  If you're experiencing this right now you need to meditate and reconnect to the one energy if you are having difficulty meditating then say a prayer and ask for healing to be sent to you.
There are other ways to help breakthrough this negative energy :
  • I have to say that meditation is the best way to get rid of the negative energy when you can reconnect to the source you'll feel much better.
  • Take a bath with Sea salt, salt has the amazing ability to erase the programming of energy so negative energy is cleared.
  • Burning White sage.
  • Crystals absorb negative energy wear some or place them in you home.
  • Ask your guides to help dispel the negative energy around you and ask for protection.
  • Water is very important at this time make sure you keep up your daily intake.
  • Spiritual protection is also very important if you're not protected you will feel the full force of this energy, look at my blog post about Spiritual protection.
  • Chat to friends at this time talk about how your feeling to know you're not the only one feeling like this can really help.
  • If you are a healer bring that healing energy down into yourself and send out healing energy to help change this negative energy around the world.
  • Keep your thought positive and on a love vibration, Love is the highest vibrational energy.
  • Purple is the highest vibrational colour wear something purple or meditate on the colour.

I hope this helps you all through this difficult time.

Love and healing to you all.


Wednesday 20 July 2011

Warning from Andros of Sirius

I had contact from Andros from Sirius again today and I have things to tell you that Andros said to pass on to you all so you could prepare. 
I was told that the dark ones who rule this planet (some of you may have heard of them) they are going to lose control soon and they will get desperate.
They will use some new weapons that they obtained from the good Aliens this was originally not a weapon but a medical device that healed on a vibrational level but those in power have turned it into a weapon.
You guys need to get ready for when they use this device because the only way you can deflect the energy this device sends out is to be Fully Connected to yourself and the Source of all energy.
To do this you need to let go of all the karmic deeds you are carrying and forgive. 
Then meditate daily you need to get connected and radiate Pure Unconditional Love to all to deflect the energy from this weapon, it is the only way you can not be harmed by it.
The purity of the Love vibration will deflect the dark disruptive energy this device will send out.
You need to get back to the foods of the earth instead of the processed food and meat they got you eating on Purpose to make you ill, detoxify your body of the chemicals, Reconnect to yourself and the Source of all and radiate pure Love to deflect the energy.
When you reconnect during meditation you will receive healing to help realign your energy and to rid your body of the toxins and negative energy.
Their are good beings helping us at this moment on many levels and they are helping us with our energy and are waiting to help those trying to reconnect, they know when you are trying and they will assist you even if you can't feel it.
I hope this helps you all to prepare for what's to come.

Love, Light & Healing to you all.


Friday 8 July 2011


Almost 4 years ago I started to experience something very spiritual during meditation, I had no name for it, I didn't go looking for it and I couldn't explain what it was to anyone.
I tried to explain it to someone once in the circle I meditated in but they had no idea what it was so I just stopped asking, recently through a conversation on twitter with a very spiritual person I found out what it was - Kundalini Energy.
I was very pleased to finally give it a name after such a long time.
My experience with Kundalini was amazing I didn't know what it was but I loved it, a totally explosion of bliss rising from the base chakra travelling up the spine to the crown chakra ending in an explosion of pure spiritual bliss as the energy connects to the One energy of the Universe.
 You can feel you are connected to everything and you feel full of pure consciousness that can only be described as Heaven/Nirvana.
You transcend the physical and enter into a space/realm where nothing of the physical matters or exists, its orgasmic bliss a place you don't want to leave.
As you experience Kundalini more and more you can have these experiences outside of meditation it will just rise up within you releasing pulsations of bliss, I have started to experience this now and it reconnects you to the one energy without you connecting to it yourself.
With my Kundalini Awaking came with new spiritual/paranormal experiences. I started to have  visions sometimes when I had just got into bed or during meditation my eyes would start to flicker rapidly and I would be shown past lives, future events, I met my guides and had contact with Higher Dimensional Beings/Aliens it is like having a TV in your mind.
I have since developed new gifts as a result of this spiritual connection, Kundalini does have physical changes that come with it and some are hard to go through but It has been an amazing spiritual journey that has been well worth it.
I would stress that you shouldn't go looking for Kundalini Energy it is something that needs to rise up when certain conditions are met and when you reach a certain Spiritual level, if it is activated too soon it can cause a number of mental and physical problems.-
With research online & in books I found out Kundalini is a Psycho-Spiritual Energy, the energy of the consciousness; a concentrated field of intelligent, cosmic, invisible energy, intrinsic and vital to life. Beginning in the base of the spine when a man or woman begins to evolve as Wisdom/Presence is earned through Spiritual Surrender.The ultimate outcome of Kundalini is the union of Will, Knowledge and Action.
 When you first have a Kundalini experience it's called a Kundalini Awakening one needs a Certain Genetic and Cellular Strength in order for Kundalini to spark up or it will not ignite in a body that will be greatly damaged by it's arousal.
 Kundalini energy is apt to rise when we increase our vital energy and are relatively block-free. Often there needs to be self-initiatory psychological conditions such as devotion, excessive generosity, crisis, Shaktipat  (Shaktipat literally means descent of grace) from a Guru or the meeting of a great love in order to set off the chemistry to a high degree of intensity. - taken from the book Biology of Kundalini by Jana Dixon. http://www.biologyofkundalini.com/ I have this book in PDF form I've only read a little and it looks great.

Here's a link about kundalini - http://www.crystalinks.com/kundalini.html

Here's a video about kundalini Awakening - video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8101989694941061600

I wish you all Love, Light and Healing.


Tuesday 14 June 2011

More Contact & Strangeness.

Just did a meditation had an amazing kundalini experience as usual then I had a vision again. I saw an Alien/High Dimensional Being not a Gray this one was White with a long face different features than a Gray he didn't have the very round head or the massive eyes. He didn't say anything but when his image faded another image came in of the colour purple a very deep/vibrant purple which turned into a purple brain, the brain was like it was on a turntable and as it turned all the way around I saw it was all purple. Then a very very cold feeling like menthol started sliding down from the back of my nose it came from high up like in my head and down my throat, but nothing was going down no water or anything just the very strange menthol coldness. Then I heard a voice in my mind say Activated.
As you may know (if you follow me on twitter) I have problems with my sinuses and get a lot of infections last time the Alien/High Dimensional Beings said they could help me with my health issues, I'm hoping this was some sort of healing from them for my sinuses. If anyone has experienced anything like this or can give me some insight into what you thing this was then please let me know.

Love, Light and Healing to you all.


Saturday 11 June 2011

Spiritual Protection

Protecting yourself is very important.
When I say protect yourself I'm talking about protecting yourself and your energy, it's very easy to be affected by other people's energy and other people can take your energy, so you need to protect yourself spiritually.
This should be done every morning before you leave home and a few times later in the day to make sure you are still protected.
You want to start off by visualising an egg-shaped sphere of brilliant white light completely surrounding you, from head to toe then say a short prayer asking God to keep you protected  and ask God to send your Spirit Guides to guide you, guard you and to keep away all negative influences. This should keep you protected you can also do this to your loved ones and to your car or your home.
We also need to learn how to close ourselves down after we do any kind of work with energy like healing, meditation, tarot cards any kind of readings<~~~all this is energy work.
Here's a super quick and easy way to close yourself down in seconds -
Visualise yourself surrounded with a circular white shower curtain that has no gaps and goes all the way to the floor, add a lid to the top and padlock it closed you are now closed down.
Another way is to visualise your chakras as flowers flood these flowers with white light and then visualise each flower closing into a tight bud and going back inside your body, then see yourself surrounded with an egg-shaped sphere of brilliant white light.
A good way to protect yourself from psychic attack & negative energy being sent to you is to surround yourself with mirrors pointing out so anything sent to you is reflected back at the sender.
From time to time we also need to Ground ourselves if you've been feeling out of control, spaced out, finding it hard to focus, crying for no reason then you should do this simple grounding technique.
Sit in a chair with your feet firmly on the ground Visualise roots growing out of the bottom of your feet and reaching down into the ground, imagine the roots going deep into the soil and see your roots reach right down to the earths core. Wrap your roots around the core and stay there for awhile if you work with colour and know that you need a certain colour to heal an illness or problem then visualise that colour coming from the core into your roots and into you. When you feel you have been there for long enough pull your roots back up slowly until they are all the way inside of you again.
Theses are the techniques I use to protect and ground myself hope they help you as much as they have helped me.

Chanting the Chakras great video to Retune the Mind and body through drumming and chanting - http://youtu.be/HAsba2GAZIQ

Love, Light and Healing to you all.


Sunday 29 May 2011

Chosen One.

So today I'm going to talk about an experience I had when I was about 4 or 5, I can't say if this was a vision or if it physically happened.
This is what I remember happening -
I was with a man who was holding my hand in a place of brilliant White light I couldn't see his face but I felt safe with him and I knew who he was.
We were walking along but there was nothing there except light he said to me "You know who I am don't you" I said yes because when I was there I knew, he then said "You've been here before haven't you" I said Yes, then he said "And you know you'll come here again one day don't you" I said Yes.
He then told me "You are a Chosen One do you know what this means" I said Yes.
After this conversation I was back in my present time and place.
When I was there I knew everything about everything and I knew exactly what this man from the light was talking about. I knew what it meant to be a Chosen One, I knew where I was and I knew I'd go there again and I knew what I was meant to do on Earth.
It was amazing and very tranquil, I could never explain to you how I felt when I was there as there aren't words to describe it.
I haven't shared this experience with many people (I can count how many on one hand) because I feel it's like I'm trying to say I'm special and thats not how I want people to see me.
I'm sharing this experience because I want to know your thoughts on what you think this was and I'd love to know if anyone has had the same experience.

Love, Light and Healing to you all.


Wednesday 25 May 2011

More contact - The Power of the Mind is Everything

So the last few days I've had more contact but I have no idea what they were showing me. I saw images on top of images so I couldn't make them out, I do know that some were patterns, sacred geometry, this seems to be important as they have showed me them a few times now. The transmission seems to me like it's being blocked as the images are distorted, is someone stopping them contacting us ????
In the last contact I was told they could take me on board their ship and asked if I would like to do that they said they needed my permission before they could do this, I thought to myself this sounds interesting and wondered did they mean in my mind or physically. I said I would like to, they said they could help me with health issues, I thought this is sounding great :)))  so far this hasn't happened yet unless it happened and I know nothing about it. If it does happen I'll let you know.
I have had a few people say I'm a nutter because I'm having contact with  Aliens/Higher Dimensional Beings lol well I'd rather be the person I am having this experience than a closed minded person experiencing nothing.
Which leads me to say there are infinite possibilities in this world and we are closed off to a lot of them because of what we have been taught to believe, the world we live in is not what we have been taught it is and until you open your mind and unlearn the things you've been taught you won't experience anything.
We are capable of doing anything we wish to do, we can all know our own future, we can all speak to the spirit world, we can all heal ourselves, we can all connect with our guides and know about anything, we can all connect mind to mind with Aliens/Higher Dimensional Beings, we just have to open our minds and believe it.
We are so much more then we have been lead to believe and that's because they know how powerful we really are when we know ourselves and vibrate on a higher frequency. We have been belittled and enslaved so that we could work and earn money for those that run this world. They send out low frequencies from TVs, Radios, Music, Cell Phones, Masts, Pylons, basically everything has a frequency and these things affect your frequency.
We are all vibrating on a frequency and that frequency depends on your thoughts and what you surround yourself with.
Everything effects everything because-
We are Energy and energy creates, energy never dies it's endless and it's everywhere because everything is energy.
We are creating all the time with our thoughts and we can manifest anything we want by believing in that and knowing it will be. But because we are vibrating on a lower frequency the manifestation of our thoughts takes longer than it should do to bring into being.
So what you concentrate on everyday in your mind you bring into being and if those thoughts are negative that's what your life will be. Don't think these things don't say to yourself I'm no good and I'll never be happy or I'll never have a good life because you will create exactly that, you have to change your thoughts into what you do want and visualise yourself having that life and believe it will be.

We all need to know that We are all One, One Mind, One Total Experience, One Love we came here to remember who we are and we all need to know and believe this. We will all be moving to a higher vibration and so will mother earth and what we create will be instant on the higher frequency.
This day is coming soon and all the changes that are happening now are all leading up to this amazing time, I wish you all knew what I know because you would be so excited about what's coming, it's an Evolution, Human Beings are evolving and so is Mother Earth and this has never ever happened before and will never happen again.
Be thankfully you are here to witness this amazing event I am.

Love, Light and Healing.


Saturday 21 May 2011


Had more contact this morning in a vision this time there were no words just images they showed me one of the Grays he was normal then he's eyes changed into two moons instead of eyes. They then showed me a picture of India the Taj Mahal with a very red sky behind it like a sun set but way more red. Don't know what this means if anyone has any ideas let me know please.

Love, Light & Healing.


Friday 20 May 2011


Meditation is the key to unlocking  hidden knowledge !!!
It helps us to quieten the mind chatter enough to get in touch with our psychic/intuitive side and helps us to get to know ourselves.
Meditation is a gift we have forgotten about, if people knew what they could achieve from meditation everyone would be doing it everyday.

Health Benefits ~~~

Brain functioning has greater orderliness.
Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate.
Increases blood flow and slows the heart.
Nervousness is reduced.
Good for people with high blood pressure.
Significant relief from asthma.

Spiritual Benefits ~~~~

Provides peace of mind & happiness.
Experience an inner sense of Assurance or Knowingness.
Attain enlightenment.
Creates a deeper relationship with God.
Experience a sense of Oneness.

These are but a few of the benefits, there really is no end to the benefits meditation can bring if you are willing to put in the time. If you want enlightenment and untold riches in your life then you need to learn to meditate. I can't stress this enough "It is the Key to everything" all the questions you've ever asked can be answered during meditaion. The peace that you get in the higher levels is like nothing of  this earth because you are going beyound the physical and into the spiritual. When you have mastered the basics you can go really deep into higher levels and thats where the fun really begins, hours can pass by like minutes, you will see things not from this dimension, you can talk to and see your guides, contact other dimensional beings, the possibilites are endless.

Don't limit yourself in the physical go beyound into the realms of the Spiritual and let the Magic begin, you won't regret it.

If you have never meditated before and want to start it's best to start off with a guided meditation as this gives your mind something to follow instead of thinking. You can get apps on smart phones that are really helpful in teaching you how to meditate or you can listen to a guided meditation on YouTube whichever is better for you. You can also buy guided meditations on CD so there's no excuse for you not to try it really.

Here's a link to one on YouTube ~~~


I hope you all step into the Magical realm because its an amazing place and not many people know its there.
I wish you all Love, Light and Healing.


Tuesday 17 May 2011

Mind to Mind Contact.

So today I did a meditation and had contact again from the Aliens/High Dimensional Beings.
I was given more info from a male entity he said through telepathy Andros so I'm presuming that's his name he said he was from Sirius.
He showed me a triangle with the sun above it, he then showed me a pyramid with the sun above it and a pyramid below the other pyramid, the 2 triangle shapes formed a diamond shape. He said this was their ship and that it utilises energy from the sun to function.
He said the energy was stored in a Massive Crystal  in the centre of the ship, the energy stored in the crystal from the sun made the crystal emit positive vibrations.
He also told me that the Alien grays that I saw in our first contact are there to help with the energy of the communication and it's not actually them giving me the info.
Andros showed me how to use/operate my 3rd eye for contact/visions. I can't even try to explain how you do this because it's a matter of raising your vibration and going to another level, then doing something with your mind that I can't explain and you just feel it happen. The downside of doing this is a headache as a lot of powerful energy is concentrated on the 3rd eye region.
If you want to be contacted by Higher Dimensional Beings all you have to do is ask, if you do this you must make sure you ask to be contacted by Highly Evolved Spiritual Beings this is very important as you don't want to be contacted by low vibrational beings.
Purple and Green are very important colours, I'm shown these colours every time I meditate they come towards you pulsating in and out so if you've recently started meditating and start seeing these colours pulsating then you're on your way to higher levels.

Love, Light and Healing to you all.


Monday 16 May 2011


Starseeds are souls who have incarnated here from another planet to help those on earth shift to a higher Vibration. I am a Starseed, I always knew from a very early age that I wasn't the same as everyone else I actually thought that maybe I was adopted and they had kept it from me, they didn't feel like my family.
I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere, I felt isolated no one was the same as me, I felt like I didn't belong on this planet and couldn't understand why people where so vile to each other. These feelings never went away.
I found that I had abilities that others didn't have I knew things about people, I could tell what that person was like regardless of how they were portraying themselves to be. I was telling fortunes when I was in school, I always heard a voice in my mind that gave me the information and it never left me.

I knew things about life about how we were meant to live from Love and not for the self but for all, I knew about other life in other dimensions I wasn't told any of this and I didn't read it anywhere I just Knew it.
It was in me, apart of who I was and I couldn't live life like everyone else because of it, I felt alone a lot of the time and sad that I had to live on such a beautiful planet with such cruel and violent beings.
I couldn't see how people could do such vile acts and not care about it, how could someone take a life and and not feel the pain of that life so cruelly taken like I did.
I still feel this way, seeing the things that human beings do causes me physical pain and I've cried because I couldn't change what they have done.
Being a Starseed is a beautiful and a hard thing all at the same time.
I have recently found out that I am from Orion, this was revealed to me during a mediation, I was shown the planet I was from and told it was Orion. I was told it was a planet of water with 2 suns, we rode on dolphins and connected with them via ribbon like things that hung from our heads. Lol it sounds so far fetched but it was amazing and I later googled the info I got and found only one link on the net for it that validated everything I had been told.
Here's the link it describes me to a tee.


Do you think you maybe a Starseed ?
Here's a link to see if you resonate with the description -


I could go on forever about Starseeds but I'll leave it there.

Love light & healing to you all.


Saturday 14 May 2011


So if you've been following me on twitter you'll know that I've had contact with Aliens/Higher Dimensional beings via trance visions (mind to mind contact) and during my sleep recently.

So far I've been told that by using Sacred Geometry we can access the Akashic Records I don't know how we do that yet but when I find out I'll let you know.
I was also told that we are all One and that our thoughts are alive and come into being, the Higher Dimensional Beings/Aliens can physically see our thoughts as an energy. They see the thoughts as a frequency high or low depending on the thoughts, Love would be a high frequency. They said that we are creating the the world we live in every second of the day with the frequency we put out, and that we are all hypnotised and can't see the full picture.
They then showed me in another vision what I can only describe as Massive Crystals loads of them all in one place coming out of the earth like there was a whole cave of them, I have no idea where these crystals are but I do know they are important.
I now know that these Crystals have something to do with the Akashic Records and Sacred Geometry.

Well last night I was given more information.

I was told that Contactees who have implants are given them for another reason than we first thought. The theory is that they are a tracking device for the Aliens to be able to find them wherever they are well that's not what I was told.
I was told that the implants are there to keep the contactee on a higher frequency.
They told me that they can find the Contactees wherever they are in the world they don't need a tracking device to find them.
So why do they want them on a higher vibration you may ask?
Here's what I think -
Well these contactees are given information to share with the world about things that are going to happen in the future they need to be on a higher vibration and have an open mind to believe what they have been told and to share it with the world.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my blog :) I welcome your comments.
Love & Healing to you all.


Friday 13 May 2011

Hello World

Hello world welcome to my blog :))

Bare with me I'm new to blogging so this may take me some time to get used to it.
This blog will be a lot of random thoughts I have and maybe the odd rant about the world and a lot of talk about Spirtual matters.
I hope you will enjoy the madness that is my mind.
