Saturday 14 May 2011


So if you've been following me on twitter you'll know that I've had contact with Aliens/Higher Dimensional beings via trance visions (mind to mind contact) and during my sleep recently.

So far I've been told that by using Sacred Geometry we can access the Akashic Records I don't know how we do that yet but when I find out I'll let you know.
I was also told that we are all One and that our thoughts are alive and come into being, the Higher Dimensional Beings/Aliens can physically see our thoughts as an energy. They see the thoughts as a frequency high or low depending on the thoughts, Love would be a high frequency. They said that we are creating the the world we live in every second of the day with the frequency we put out, and that we are all hypnotised and can't see the full picture.
They then showed me in another vision what I can only describe as Massive Crystals loads of them all in one place coming out of the earth like there was a whole cave of them, I have no idea where these crystals are but I do know they are important.
I now know that these Crystals have something to do with the Akashic Records and Sacred Geometry.

Well last night I was given more information.

I was told that Contactees who have implants are given them for another reason than we first thought. The theory is that they are a tracking device for the Aliens to be able to find them wherever they are well that's not what I was told.
I was told that the implants are there to keep the contactee on a higher frequency.
They told me that they can find the Contactees wherever they are in the world they don't need a tracking device to find them.
So why do they want them on a higher vibration you may ask?
Here's what I think -
Well these contactees are given information to share with the world about things that are going to happen in the future they need to be on a higher vibration and have an open mind to believe what they have been told and to share it with the world.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my blog :) I welcome your comments.
Love & Healing to you all.


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