Monday 16 May 2011


Starseeds are souls who have incarnated here from another planet to help those on earth shift to a higher Vibration. I am a Starseed, I always knew from a very early age that I wasn't the same as everyone else I actually thought that maybe I was adopted and they had kept it from me, they didn't feel like my family.
I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere, I felt isolated no one was the same as me, I felt like I didn't belong on this planet and couldn't understand why people where so vile to each other. These feelings never went away.
I found that I had abilities that others didn't have I knew things about people, I could tell what that person was like regardless of how they were portraying themselves to be. I was telling fortunes when I was in school, I always heard a voice in my mind that gave me the information and it never left me.

I knew things about life about how we were meant to live from Love and not for the self but for all, I knew about other life in other dimensions I wasn't told any of this and I didn't read it anywhere I just Knew it.
It was in me, apart of who I was and I couldn't live life like everyone else because of it, I felt alone a lot of the time and sad that I had to live on such a beautiful planet with such cruel and violent beings.
I couldn't see how people could do such vile acts and not care about it, how could someone take a life and and not feel the pain of that life so cruelly taken like I did.
I still feel this way, seeing the things that human beings do causes me physical pain and I've cried because I couldn't change what they have done.
Being a Starseed is a beautiful and a hard thing all at the same time.
I have recently found out that I am from Orion, this was revealed to me during a mediation, I was shown the planet I was from and told it was Orion. I was told it was a planet of water with 2 suns, we rode on dolphins and connected with them via ribbon like things that hung from our heads. Lol it sounds so far fetched but it was amazing and I later googled the info I got and found only one link on the net for it that validated everything I had been told.
Here's the link it describes me to a tee.

Do you think you maybe a Starseed ?
Here's a link to see if you resonate with the description -

I could go on forever about Starseeds but I'll leave it there.

Love light & healing to you all.


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