Wednesday 25 May 2011

More contact - The Power of the Mind is Everything

So the last few days I've had more contact but I have no idea what they were showing me. I saw images on top of images so I couldn't make them out, I do know that some were patterns, sacred geometry, this seems to be important as they have showed me them a few times now. The transmission seems to me like it's being blocked as the images are distorted, is someone stopping them contacting us ????
In the last contact I was told they could take me on board their ship and asked if I would like to do that they said they needed my permission before they could do this, I thought to myself this sounds interesting and wondered did they mean in my mind or physically. I said I would like to, they said they could help me with health issues, I thought this is sounding great :)))  so far this hasn't happened yet unless it happened and I know nothing about it. If it does happen I'll let you know.
I have had a few people say I'm a nutter because I'm having contact with  Aliens/Higher Dimensional Beings lol well I'd rather be the person I am having this experience than a closed minded person experiencing nothing.
Which leads me to say there are infinite possibilities in this world and we are closed off to a lot of them because of what we have been taught to believe, the world we live in is not what we have been taught it is and until you open your mind and unlearn the things you've been taught you won't experience anything.
We are capable of doing anything we wish to do, we can all know our own future, we can all speak to the spirit world, we can all heal ourselves, we can all connect with our guides and know about anything, we can all connect mind to mind with Aliens/Higher Dimensional Beings, we just have to open our minds and believe it.
We are so much more then we have been lead to believe and that's because they know how powerful we really are when we know ourselves and vibrate on a higher frequency. We have been belittled and enslaved so that we could work and earn money for those that run this world. They send out low frequencies from TVs, Radios, Music, Cell Phones, Masts, Pylons, basically everything has a frequency and these things affect your frequency.
We are all vibrating on a frequency and that frequency depends on your thoughts and what you surround yourself with.
Everything effects everything because-
We are Energy and energy creates, energy never dies it's endless and it's everywhere because everything is energy.
We are creating all the time with our thoughts and we can manifest anything we want by believing in that and knowing it will be. But because we are vibrating on a lower frequency the manifestation of our thoughts takes longer than it should do to bring into being.
So what you concentrate on everyday in your mind you bring into being and if those thoughts are negative that's what your life will be. Don't think these things don't say to yourself I'm no good and I'll never be happy or I'll never have a good life because you will create exactly that, you have to change your thoughts into what you do want and visualise yourself having that life and believe it will be.

We all need to know that We are all One, One Mind, One Total Experience, One Love we came here to remember who we are and we all need to know and believe this. We will all be moving to a higher vibration and so will mother earth and what we create will be instant on the higher frequency.
This day is coming soon and all the changes that are happening now are all leading up to this amazing time, I wish you all knew what I know because you would be so excited about what's coming, it's an Evolution, Human Beings are evolving and so is Mother Earth and this has never ever happened before and will never happen again.
Be thankfully you are here to witness this amazing event I am.

Love, Light and Healing.


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