Tuesday 14 June 2011

More Contact & Strangeness.

Just did a meditation had an amazing kundalini experience as usual then I had a vision again. I saw an Alien/High Dimensional Being not a Gray this one was White with a long face different features than a Gray he didn't have the very round head or the massive eyes. He didn't say anything but when his image faded another image came in of the colour purple a very deep/vibrant purple which turned into a purple brain, the brain was like it was on a turntable and as it turned all the way around I saw it was all purple. Then a very very cold feeling like menthol started sliding down from the back of my nose it came from high up like in my head and down my throat, but nothing was going down no water or anything just the very strange menthol coldness. Then I heard a voice in my mind say Activated.
As you may know (if you follow me on twitter) I have problems with my sinuses and get a lot of infections last time the Alien/High Dimensional Beings said they could help me with my health issues, I'm hoping this was some sort of healing from them for my sinuses. If anyone has experienced anything like this or can give me some insight into what you thing this was then please let me know.

Love, Light and Healing to you all.


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