Wednesday 20 July 2011

Warning from Andros of Sirius

I had contact from Andros from Sirius again today and I have things to tell you that Andros said to pass on to you all so you could prepare. 
I was told that the dark ones who rule this planet (some of you may have heard of them) they are going to lose control soon and they will get desperate.
They will use some new weapons that they obtained from the good Aliens this was originally not a weapon but a medical device that healed on a vibrational level but those in power have turned it into a weapon.
You guys need to get ready for when they use this device because the only way you can deflect the energy this device sends out is to be Fully Connected to yourself and the Source of all energy.
To do this you need to let go of all the karmic deeds you are carrying and forgive. 
Then meditate daily you need to get connected and radiate Pure Unconditional Love to all to deflect the energy from this weapon, it is the only way you can not be harmed by it.
The purity of the Love vibration will deflect the dark disruptive energy this device will send out.
You need to get back to the foods of the earth instead of the processed food and meat they got you eating on Purpose to make you ill, detoxify your body of the chemicals, Reconnect to yourself and the Source of all and radiate pure Love to deflect the energy.
When you reconnect during meditation you will receive healing to help realign your energy and to rid your body of the toxins and negative energy.
Their are good beings helping us at this moment on many levels and they are helping us with our energy and are waiting to help those trying to reconnect, they know when you are trying and they will assist you even if you can't feel it.
I hope this helps you all to prepare for what's to come.

Love, Light & Healing to you all.



  1. Thanks so much for sharing! Namaste! :)

  2. Just read this blog and my jaw dropped. These are the images and feeling I'm getting. Desperation is setting in for some, and reckless times are ahead. A false flag alien invasion, it what I believe is the final card.

  3. I agree blue beam project is coming, they are desperate we all need to be careful.
