Sunday 29 May 2011

Chosen One.

So today I'm going to talk about an experience I had when I was about 4 or 5, I can't say if this was a vision or if it physically happened.
This is what I remember happening -
I was with a man who was holding my hand in a place of brilliant White light I couldn't see his face but I felt safe with him and I knew who he was.
We were walking along but there was nothing there except light he said to me "You know who I am don't you" I said yes because when I was there I knew, he then said "You've been here before haven't you" I said Yes, then he said "And you know you'll come here again one day don't you" I said Yes.
He then told me "You are a Chosen One do you know what this means" I said Yes.
After this conversation I was back in my present time and place.
When I was there I knew everything about everything and I knew exactly what this man from the light was talking about. I knew what it meant to be a Chosen One, I knew where I was and I knew I'd go there again and I knew what I was meant to do on Earth.
It was amazing and very tranquil, I could never explain to you how I felt when I was there as there aren't words to describe it.
I haven't shared this experience with many people (I can count how many on one hand) because I feel it's like I'm trying to say I'm special and thats not how I want people to see me.
I'm sharing this experience because I want to know your thoughts on what you think this was and I'd love to know if anyone has had the same experience.

Love, Light and Healing to you all.



  1. I had a similar experience when I was 17. It was the Holy Messiah and an Intense Light behind him and when I saw him I dropped to my knees. He put his hand on my shoulder and I felt instant serenity and peace. I didn't want to go. He said through the love of my love I give you my heart. In his hands he had the sacred heart of light and placed it into me. I was shown many things while there. It was very real. I have been communicating with the Divine for quite sometime and they tell me I am not just a Starseed that I am "The Chosen One" but have not enlightened me to what that meant. Any idea?

  2. Hi Anna
    I think we are in the same boat as they haven't enlightened me with what it means either, I think we are here to do something special. I'm sure all will be revealed one day :)
