Sunday 30 December 2012

Walk-Ins, Me from the Future the Sacred Triangle and the number 3

Ok last night I had hardly any sleep again I was kept awake by a huge amount of energy buzzing through me I did finally get to sleep and I had a very intriguing dream which I wouldn't really call a dream at all because it was contact via a dream.
Here's what happened -
In the dream/contact I was a man and this man was me from the Future, I was trying to expose some huge companies that were doing something to the people I was shown some company names but can't remember them they were shown in huge block capital letters in Red like it was in a movie as the words were moving. One name that stood out was a name beginning with a B it looked like B----dean or doon & ended with  Co I don't know what this company is, I know some of the companies shown to me were pharmaceutical companies, and Attorney/Lawyers but I couldn't tell you the names I just knew what the companies were when I was there.
Ok so after I was shown these names weirdness started I was with a woman I know there was a man there too, me and the woman took 3 tablets each don't know what they were but I remember thinking if the pharmaceutical company is trying to kill people why am I taking 3 tablets ........ Ok after we took the tablets it looks like some kind of explosion happened I was flying through the air having been thrown by the explosion I could see huge sharp pieces of wood flying through the air too and I asked in my mind if I would survive this and I was told I wouldn't, there was 2 other people flying through the air by me a man and a woman and I did something that would save them knowing I wouldn't survive it didn't matter what I did as I'd be impaled on the wood anyway.
Then while flying through the air I was told some strange things the man told me he was me from the future he then started to talk to me about Walk-ins he said Walk-ins were the same person but from the future, they were the same person who had come back in time with the knowledge they needed to complete a mission and that they seemed so different because they were, because they had evolved greatly and were no longer the same person is respect to personality, beliefs and knowledge and that they were highly evolved beings but still the same person just from a different time. 
He then said that the number 3 and the Sacred Triangle were the Key to everything in the universe and that its in everything because it is everything it makes up everything. He said 3 is the pattern of the universe it's the magic number it's the Key, he/I was very excited about this like it was some huge discovery that i didn't quite get. He then showed me an image of triangles forming a pattern it was beautiful and the triangles fitted into and around each other perfectly. 
Then more weirdness started at this point still flying through the air the man me from the future did something I still don't really know how to explain it other than I bought a slot of time 03/03/03 at 3:33:33 I know it was all 3s it could have been 03/03/33 I'm not sure but the slot of time I bought was when I was going to come back I remember seeing it written down my name was there with the time and date that I had bought I don't know what my name was I just know there was a huge list of people that had bought slots in time to come back from the future to the point in time they had bought. This is the time slots that they were going to walk-in to the person they are from the past. Very complicated but I hope you can understand it.
Before he went he said to me I needed to take Wheatgrass and that it would help me 
I then woke up at 5:35am and I didn't go back to sleep I was so full of energy and a feeling I can't really describe like I had just realised something great but I still don't know the greatness of it.
Leave a comment if you have experienced anything like this or have any knowledge about this for me ❤

Love and Healing to you all 


Tuesday 13 November 2012

My Contact with The God Thor

Ok I know I haven't updated this blog since August and I really should do that as so much has happened since then but first lets tell you about the info I gained today in meditation.

Today I spoke with the God Thor now this was a bit of a shock for me because I didn't think he even Existed so I was a bit dismissive of the info in my mind util my husband came home and confirmed some of the info Thor gave me....... Ok here is the info....

Thor said the world would be inhabitable because the land would all be consumed by the water and there would be no land left at all, earth would be a planet of water and would remain in this way for 100 years, he said the earth would remain unstable for 100 years.

He said the people that survived the water would live on the Earth inside of the Earth Agharta he said the earth was exactly the same on the inside as the outside and that the core of the earth was a Sun, the tribes inside the earth know this is coming and will be waiting for us to join them.  He also said that we are the same as the earth and that we have a universe inside of us.
Not all the people would live inside the earth he said that the people that are different the ones with abilities would not stay here he said they would be taken to live on other planets, to me it sounded like they would be taken back like these people with abilities didn't originate from this planet.
 He said the Women of TOR would be coming and taking these people with abilities back to their planet TOR, from what he told me & what I felt these Women of TOR were beautiful beings only interested in saving us they are of the Light.  I have been informed by a very rude and egotistical man that there are 2 groups of TOR women one group is negative and the other group is positive I am referring to the Postive Group here.
I was given other information but that was personal about my family and where we have to go when this happens so I won't share that on here. 
I was given February the 9th as a date for something don't know what though.
Anyway I think it's important to share this info with you all, maybe we could start researching the openings to the inside of the earth so we can form an escape plan should this happen.
Thor was the protector of mankind ❤ 

Love and Healing to you all


Monday 6 August 2012

StarGates, Jump rooms or a Dimensional hole.

Last night I had a very strange dream if you can call it a dream for it felt like I was really there experiencing it, but I'll let you make your own mind up about that.

Ok so in the dream I was seeing these government buildings from above as if I was high up in the sky, looking at it from above I could see it had several long oval shaped buildings and one big main building
I was told what the government buildings were called in the dream but I can't remember that now. 
I knew that these buildings all connected up in underground tunnels I was not given this information I just knew it like I had that knowledge in me already.
Now from this high up sky view I went straight into the underground tunnels   I was following some people that were in there, I followed them down a corridor and then I lost them they had just disappeared.
I stood around looking where they could have gone for there was no way out then suddenly I had gone through what I can only describe as a jump room or StarGate or hole in the dimension I don't really know how to describe what it was. 
On the other side of this was something very odd I can only describe it as bursting out of the water because you came through it and out of it only it was like a gel consistency that left no residue it looked like water but it felt like a gel.
This gel looked like a bed yes I know this is odd it looked like a bed but it wasn't one. Anyone I burst out of this into a room with this StarGate thing that was shaped like a bed full of gel.
Someone came through the gel and tried to grab me he saw my face he knew who I was but I didn't see his face, I then I woke up. 
Now these buildings are all connected through these StarGate jump room things they can jump from one building to the another the other side of the city or anywhere they have these rooms.
I personally don't feel this was a normal dream which is why I have added it to my blog.

Love & Healing to you all


Sunday 5 August 2012

Volcanic Eruption.

Ok so last night the 4th August I had a very bad nights sleep again (2 nights in a row now) I was tossing and turning all night and I barley had any sleep at all.  It's often like this when I have contact which is something I have come to recognise now.

Anyway I had contact form the Arcturians and I was shown a lot of images very fast and this time I could see what they were !! They were images of a Volcano Erupting they showed me images from various different angles  the volcano was black with a huge amount of lava running down from it onto the land for miles below. 
I think this will happen and it's going to be a devastating one !!!!
I mean on a biblical scale and I'm talking like Pompeii, don't ask me how I know I just know and from the images it was bad !!! 
I don't know when this will happen or where so I urge you all to keep an eye on the volcanic activity so we can warn each other if anything is going to happen.

Ok so if this wasn't odd enough this was released this morning in the guardian ~~>
 Another link that was brought to my attention from my friend Jon was this ~~>

Mount Etna came to my mind when I woke up but I really have no idea where I have no knowledge about volcanos or where they are so this is beyond me.  
Far to many synchronicity's with this one for me so yeah I'm just sharing this info as I was told to. Please keep an eye on this one.

Love and Healing to you all.


Sunday 29 July 2012

The Arcturians

Ok so I haven't written on here for a while and I thought I'd give you all an update on what been going on and the contact I have had recently. I had contact on the 12th of May during a 2 hour meditation which was quite amazing and eye opening, I talked to the Arcturians I was told they are the ones I've been talking to for some time and that they have tried to tell me who they were but contact was always lost before I heard it. The ones in power have been stopping contact they have been interfering with it and the messages haven't been received properly. One major thing I was told by Commander Amstrad was that I originate form Arcturus and not Mintaka Orion like I thought the life on Orion was just another incarnation I experienced and that I am an Arcturian ❤ This was mind blowing for me I had no idea I thought I was from Orion I had been shown the beautiful spiritual life I had lived there and was happy knowing that was my origin so to be told I was an Arcturians amazed me. So I was told the physical things I have been experiencing were upgrade symptoms and that my body was being made ready for ascension and for my role in what's coming. I am told I will be flying a craft and that my brain needed to be upgraded in order for me to do that, connections have been reconnected and that the info I needed to be able to do this has been downloaded into me They said for me to think of myself as a spaceship and they are now preparing that spaceship to fly. I have been given a date now for a Physical Visit from the Arcturians this will involve me going outside in the early hours to meet them me my hubby and son will go there at the time and see if they come I will let you know what happens. On the 16th of April I was given a date for something big to happen in August they told me in May that it is the 10th August, I still don't know what is going to happen on that date yet but we don't have long to wait. I have also been told at some point I will have to leave my home and they will tell me when I must leave October has been mentioned here so I will wait for them to tell me when I need to leave, they have also given me a safe location to go to when I need to leave. So much has been going on recently with all the enegy shifts and things happening in my personal life that have neglected updating this blog I will try to make time to share the info I get from our star family. Love and healing to you all. Namaste ❤

Friday 6 April 2012

Information gained via Meditation from Contact.

Shift's in energy are now being sent every 1 to 2 weeks these are Upgrades of the physical body to realign your physical body with your spiritual body and to prepare your physical body for higher frequencies. The higher frequencies cause a jarring affect in your physical body this can not be helped, the physical body will adapt quickly but some discomfort will be felt to those that are sensitive, we see this discomfort and want you to know we are with you all at this time.
These upgrades were being done on a slower rate but it is now necessary to increase these due to all time and all dimensions becoming one very soon. Everything at the moment coexists on different levels/dimensions but theses dimensions will blend into one and all that was once hidden will be visible to everyone. We will give love to all that accept it those that choose not to accept that love will not be saved we can not force those that will not accept us to take our love you all have freewill to choose your reality. We have sent love to so many but it has not been returned and as I said we are not able to change their minds, but we still have love for them all.
They also said something big would happen in August and that I may have to leave they would tell me when I needed to do that & where I needed to go. They said William would be King soon but they called him Sir William I have no idea why.

Love and Healing to you all.

Saturday 11 February 2012

The Contact and Visions have Returned.

Ok I had very bad sleep last night from flashing lights and bolts of energy coming into me I was also shown some weird stuff that I can only explain as slightly longer half circles with smaller perfectly formed circles it almost looked like Alien writing which I did not understand at all.
So this went on for most of the night and I had barely any sleep. So when I was awake at 5am I decided to do a meditation in this meditation I was shown some things I saw an Alien who had a small crystal in its 3rd eye region the the crystal was a perfect circle and was about an inch wide.
This being had large eyes with 2 pupils one that looked normal like ours and a very small one an inch lower apart from that the being looked human. I could feel the energy coming off this being and into me and it was an beautiful energy of pure love I could feel that this energy was helping me to gain something, he said something's to me that I can't remember I knew it at the time but know its gone.
One thing he did say that I remember was a word that sounded like Daco I don't know what this means maybe that was his race.
Then I was shown a map of the UK the South where I live was gone the outline of the edge of the map was not there and I was shown by the map a perfect circle which I think was the Sun with a line down the middle of it. This was shown directly by the South of England, I think it was the sun because it was the colour of the sun but slightly more Red/Orange
What does that mean ?? Any ideas anyone ??

Later in the day I will draw what the writing looked like and upload a photo here so you can see if any of you know what it is.Ok so this is roughly what it looked, like the drawing was done on my ipad so its not very good at all but you get the idea.

Love & Healing to you all.
