Sunday 29 July 2012

The Arcturians

Ok so I haven't written on here for a while and I thought I'd give you all an update on what been going on and the contact I have had recently. I had contact on the 12th of May during a 2 hour meditation which was quite amazing and eye opening, I talked to the Arcturians I was told they are the ones I've been talking to for some time and that they have tried to tell me who they were but contact was always lost before I heard it. The ones in power have been stopping contact they have been interfering with it and the messages haven't been received properly. One major thing I was told by Commander Amstrad was that I originate form Arcturus and not Mintaka Orion like I thought the life on Orion was just another incarnation I experienced and that I am an Arcturian ❤ This was mind blowing for me I had no idea I thought I was from Orion I had been shown the beautiful spiritual life I had lived there and was happy knowing that was my origin so to be told I was an Arcturians amazed me. So I was told the physical things I have been experiencing were upgrade symptoms and that my body was being made ready for ascension and for my role in what's coming. I am told I will be flying a craft and that my brain needed to be upgraded in order for me to do that, connections have been reconnected and that the info I needed to be able to do this has been downloaded into me They said for me to think of myself as a spaceship and they are now preparing that spaceship to fly. I have been given a date now for a Physical Visit from the Arcturians this will involve me going outside in the early hours to meet them me my hubby and son will go there at the time and see if they come I will let you know what happens. On the 16th of April I was given a date for something big to happen in August they told me in May that it is the 10th August, I still don't know what is going to happen on that date yet but we don't have long to wait. I have also been told at some point I will have to leave my home and they will tell me when I must leave October has been mentioned here so I will wait for them to tell me when I need to leave, they have also given me a safe location to go to when I need to leave. So much has been going on recently with all the enegy shifts and things happening in my personal life that have neglected updating this blog I will try to make time to share the info I get from our star family. Love and healing to you all. Namaste ❤

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