Sunday 30 December 2012

Walk-Ins, Me from the Future the Sacred Triangle and the number 3

Ok last night I had hardly any sleep again I was kept awake by a huge amount of energy buzzing through me I did finally get to sleep and I had a very intriguing dream which I wouldn't really call a dream at all because it was contact via a dream.
Here's what happened -
In the dream/contact I was a man and this man was me from the Future, I was trying to expose some huge companies that were doing something to the people I was shown some company names but can't remember them they were shown in huge block capital letters in Red like it was in a movie as the words were moving. One name that stood out was a name beginning with a B it looked like B----dean or doon & ended with  Co I don't know what this company is, I know some of the companies shown to me were pharmaceutical companies, and Attorney/Lawyers but I couldn't tell you the names I just knew what the companies were when I was there.
Ok so after I was shown these names weirdness started I was with a woman I know there was a man there too, me and the woman took 3 tablets each don't know what they were but I remember thinking if the pharmaceutical company is trying to kill people why am I taking 3 tablets ........ Ok after we took the tablets it looks like some kind of explosion happened I was flying through the air having been thrown by the explosion I could see huge sharp pieces of wood flying through the air too and I asked in my mind if I would survive this and I was told I wouldn't, there was 2 other people flying through the air by me a man and a woman and I did something that would save them knowing I wouldn't survive it didn't matter what I did as I'd be impaled on the wood anyway.
Then while flying through the air I was told some strange things the man told me he was me from the future he then started to talk to me about Walk-ins he said Walk-ins were the same person but from the future, they were the same person who had come back in time with the knowledge they needed to complete a mission and that they seemed so different because they were, because they had evolved greatly and were no longer the same person is respect to personality, beliefs and knowledge and that they were highly evolved beings but still the same person just from a different time. 
He then said that the number 3 and the Sacred Triangle were the Key to everything in the universe and that its in everything because it is everything it makes up everything. He said 3 is the pattern of the universe it's the magic number it's the Key, he/I was very excited about this like it was some huge discovery that i didn't quite get. He then showed me an image of triangles forming a pattern it was beautiful and the triangles fitted into and around each other perfectly. 
Then more weirdness started at this point still flying through the air the man me from the future did something I still don't really know how to explain it other than I bought a slot of time 03/03/03 at 3:33:33 I know it was all 3s it could have been 03/03/33 I'm not sure but the slot of time I bought was when I was going to come back I remember seeing it written down my name was there with the time and date that I had bought I don't know what my name was I just know there was a huge list of people that had bought slots in time to come back from the future to the point in time they had bought. This is the time slots that they were going to walk-in to the person they are from the past. Very complicated but I hope you can understand it.
Before he went he said to me I needed to take Wheatgrass and that it would help me 
I then woke up at 5:35am and I didn't go back to sleep I was so full of energy and a feeling I can't really describe like I had just realised something great but I still don't know the greatness of it.
Leave a comment if you have experienced anything like this or have any knowledge about this for me ❤

Love and Healing to you all 


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