Friday 26 August 2011

Light Workers & Starseeds you need to read this.

The 18th of August 2011 was the beginning of the 5th night of the 9th wave of the Mayan calendar : Destruction.
You may already be aware of this and are feeling the negative effects of this energy. You maybe experiencing Headaches, Vertigo, Earache, Dizziness, Head Pressure, Difficulty going into a deep meditation, feeling Nauseous, feeling Aggressive/Argumentative.  If you're experiencing this right now you need to meditate and reconnect to the one energy if you are having difficulty meditating then say a prayer and ask for healing to be sent to you.
There are other ways to help breakthrough this negative energy :
  • I have to say that meditation is the best way to get rid of the negative energy when you can reconnect to the source you'll feel much better.
  • Take a bath with Sea salt, salt has the amazing ability to erase the programming of energy so negative energy is cleared.
  • Burning White sage.
  • Crystals absorb negative energy wear some or place them in you home.
  • Ask your guides to help dispel the negative energy around you and ask for protection.
  • Water is very important at this time make sure you keep up your daily intake.
  • Spiritual protection is also very important if you're not protected you will feel the full force of this energy, look at my blog post about Spiritual protection.
  • Chat to friends at this time talk about how your feeling to know you're not the only one feeling like this can really help.
  • If you are a healer bring that healing energy down into yourself and send out healing energy to help change this negative energy around the world.
  • Keep your thought positive and on a love vibration, Love is the highest vibrational energy.
  • Purple is the highest vibrational colour wear something purple or meditate on the colour.

I hope this helps you all through this difficult time.

Love and healing to you all.
