Tuesday, 14 June 2011

More Contact & Strangeness.

Just did a meditation had an amazing kundalini experience as usual then I had a vision again. I saw an Alien/High Dimensional Being not a Gray this one was White with a long face different features than a Gray he didn't have the very round head or the massive eyes. He didn't say anything but when his image faded another image came in of the colour purple a very deep/vibrant purple which turned into a purple brain, the brain was like it was on a turntable and as it turned all the way around I saw it was all purple. Then a very very cold feeling like menthol started sliding down from the back of my nose it came from high up like in my head and down my throat, but nothing was going down no water or anything just the very strange menthol coldness. Then I heard a voice in my mind say Activated.
As you may know (if you follow me on twitter) I have problems with my sinuses and get a lot of infections last time the Alien/High Dimensional Beings said they could help me with my health issues, I'm hoping this was some sort of healing from them for my sinuses. If anyone has experienced anything like this or can give me some insight into what you thing this was then please let me know.

Love, Light and Healing to you all.


Saturday, 11 June 2011

Spiritual Protection

Protecting yourself is very important.
When I say protect yourself I'm talking about protecting yourself and your energy, it's very easy to be affected by other people's energy and other people can take your energy, so you need to protect yourself spiritually.
This should be done every morning before you leave home and a few times later in the day to make sure you are still protected.
You want to start off by visualising an egg-shaped sphere of brilliant white light completely surrounding you, from head to toe then say a short prayer asking God to keep you protected  and ask God to send your Spirit Guides to guide you, guard you and to keep away all negative influences. This should keep you protected you can also do this to your loved ones and to your car or your home.
We also need to learn how to close ourselves down after we do any kind of work with energy like healing, meditation, tarot cards any kind of readings<~~~all this is energy work.
Here's a super quick and easy way to close yourself down in seconds -
Visualise yourself surrounded with a circular white shower curtain that has no gaps and goes all the way to the floor, add a lid to the top and padlock it closed you are now closed down.
Another way is to visualise your chakras as flowers flood these flowers with white light and then visualise each flower closing into a tight bud and going back inside your body, then see yourself surrounded with an egg-shaped sphere of brilliant white light.
A good way to protect yourself from psychic attack & negative energy being sent to you is to surround yourself with mirrors pointing out so anything sent to you is reflected back at the sender.
From time to time we also need to Ground ourselves if you've been feeling out of control, spaced out, finding it hard to focus, crying for no reason then you should do this simple grounding technique.
Sit in a chair with your feet firmly on the ground Visualise roots growing out of the bottom of your feet and reaching down into the ground, imagine the roots going deep into the soil and see your roots reach right down to the earths core. Wrap your roots around the core and stay there for awhile if you work with colour and know that you need a certain colour to heal an illness or problem then visualise that colour coming from the core into your roots and into you. When you feel you have been there for long enough pull your roots back up slowly until they are all the way inside of you again.
Theses are the techniques I use to protect and ground myself hope they help you as much as they have helped me.

Chanting the Chakras great video to Retune the Mind and body through drumming and chanting - http://youtu.be/HAsba2GAZIQ

Love, Light and Healing to you all.
